Uplay unity
Uplay unity

uplay unity

If you do not agree with at least one of the items, please refrain from buying. Seller will reply to your message in 72 hours, usually reply to in 24 hours. We kindly ask you not to leave feedback "BAD" before solving the problem, just write us on the site.

uplay unity

?ħ.Refund only if the seller is unable to make a replacement within 72 hours from the date of purchase, otherwise there is no refund.Ĩ.Claims and replacements only with the provision of video purchase and data entry in the account (Recommended programs: for recording -, for downloading - ). Can you change the password / resold / gave the friend / computer viruses / etc. We do not provide methods for changing data.Ħ.We are not responsible for your actions. If you are not satisfied with the language in the game this is not a reason to replace or return!Ĥ.Many games may contain other games, such games are a bonus.ĥ.All operations for the change of data are carried out by the buyer. All accounts have the form - LOGIN: PASSWORD.Ģ.The language was not checked. BUYING THIS GOODS YOU AUTOMATICALLY AGREE TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE SELLER:ġ.The store provides you immediately after payment - Account.

Uplay unity